i did frog the toe on the march ravelry madness socks. i reknit it and now it's perfect. i have done a few rounds, but they don't look much different from the last picture.
last month i participated in the knitting olympics and ravelympics. i did the same project for both. i used the pattern snapdragon tam by ysolda teague. i bought this pattern because half of the proceeds went to help for haiti, and i'm glad i did. these were the best directions i have ever found.
it all started out with malabrigo carrot and bonker's fibers cotton and merino.
i was worried the whole time that i was going to run out of the bonker's, and look how much i had left:
here is the tam before blocking.
and another view before blocking.
after blocking you can see the cables much more clearly.
however, there was still a lot of the band to deal with after the blocking. i think i measured my head wrong, because the tam was way too big.
so i felted it. i was a little worried that the bonker's would shrink too, but it wasn't noticeable if it did.
much better after felting.
and i finished (except for the felting) before the closing ceremonies. podium finish!
It looks fabulous, Gerri! The felting makes for a nice contrast to the unfelted knitting. The colors look great and it looks wonderful on you. Nice job and way to go.
Things are okay here. The sun is out which always helps (as do the antidepressants) :-)
Hope all is good with you.
Posted by: Doris Arndt | March 27, 2010 at 01:28 PM
Yes I love this hat! It's gorgeous!
Posted by: Lee | March 30, 2010 at 08:10 AM