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Oh dear, I don't think I should ask!


Hum! I am sorry I was flippant about this now - I just read your post about the flood. So sorry to hear about it!


Gerri there's a big naked man in a big hole in your back yard! ;-)


omg!!  that's the front yard.  we were supposed to water the area for
two hours a day so that the raised dirt would go down to level with the
rest of the grass.  but then the flood happened, and there is soap in
the hose dispenser.  it looks like we buried someone there!


that's the hole the plumbers had to dig to get to the pipe that was broken.  it was a lot of work for them.

plumbing apprenticeships

That is one hard plumber at work :). Slightly concerned that you were taking pictures of a half naked man and posting it on the world wide web!

Really sorry to hear about the flood!

Plumbers Santa Rosa

A lot of work indeed. I personally would have worn a shirt, I think its a little more profossional, unless the plumber was your relative or something. I hope they did a good job for you


i think a shirt would have been a good idea. they weren't the most professional. i have another guy that i will use for the next problem.


i think a shirt would have been a good idea.  they weren't the most professional.  i have another guy that i will use for the next problem.

Sandra Stephens

Wow.. Is this for real? Did he dug it himself? I just can't imagined how long he did it. Anyway, how are you now after the flood? We've been flooded too but thank goodness we didn't have to do the same. Take care dear.


i think there were a couple of guys digging.

i'm really not all set up again.  the studio took a big hit, and i have yet to rearrange everything.  but i'm making progress, if slowly.


Plumbing Contractor

Wow, that is a big hole. At least they seemed to not make too big a mess. The landscaping doesn't seem to be too distrupted - which is a plus.

Dwane Zelinsky

Oh! Sorry about the flood. It's good you managed to call the plumbers immediately and the damage was repaired right away. It could have gotten worse if not tended to in a timely manner.

gerri newfry

thanks! we got the repairs done pretty quickly. i still have to rearrange the studio though. most of it is done.

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