"I made no
resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of
criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily
event for me." -Anais Nin
i have decided to start the new year today. yesterday wasn't so hot. if i had made resolutions, i would have broken them all! today's a new day.
i don't really make resolutions, but i do like this idea: pick a word for the year. christine kane started this concept in 2006. you pick one word.
Then, hold that word in your mind throughout the year, and let your word guide you to take action.
last year my word was balance. i think i achieved a good level of balance overall. balancing my work, my play, my family time. of course there were times when i was out of balance, but it was a good word to keep in my mind. 2009 wasn't too bad for me. sure, my husband got laid off, and that sucked, but overall it was ok. it was the year i pulled out of my bipolar funk and began creating a bit again. very rewarding. and quite a relief to be out of my non-creative spell.
this year i'm choosing health. i think that's a good focus for me. it's important that i continue to maintain my mental health, maybe improving some. it encompasses sleep, diet, exercise and even balance. all areas that i can work on. it includes creativity because i'm healthiest when creating, but not rushing to reach impractical deadlines.
i won't have a hard time remembering the word, remembering my focus. i have it tattooed on my arm.
this is actually "to heal" in a dialect of hindi. sorry for the disembodied image. it's a little hard to take a picture of your own arm!
whether you choose a word, or choose resolutions, or eschew the whole process, i wish you a healthy, happy, prosperous new year (starting today for some of us!)