well let's just say i'm waiting for my collector(s) to come by. s/he was probably distracted by the beautiful weather.
it's a beautiful fair. the work there is outstanding. marty whipple is there. i believe he is related to john and lynn. i think i saw him in milwaukee a few years ago and we had a conversation to that effect. actually, i may have talked to his wife/partner.
it was a lovely day, weather wise. my friend came and sat with me for a bit, which allowed me to escape to the washroom now and again. there are two other book artists there, whose work i admire, but i didn't get to look around much. there are no sales when you're not in your booth, even if your friend is there in your stead.
i bought some new display shelves and they look rather nice. one of my tables is a bit wobbly, and i should probably replace it, but i need my collector(s) to come fund any booth improvements. i would also like to finally sew fitted table coverings so that they are easy to put on the tables and so that they don't fly around and create a tripping hazard.
i got to drive by the robie house, so that was nice. john and i tried to visit there last year, but it was under construction. i also found the starbucks. what more can you ask for??
last night i constructed a box for my artfest proposal. i want to remake my audobon book without polymer clay because there is no polymer allowed at artfest. i've never made a box out of board before, and i was really pleased with how it came out!! here are a few pictures of the original piece, constructed with polymer clay. it is sort of a combination cornell box/coptic book. the pages, torn from a book about birds, are coptic bound between the top and bottom portions of the box.
my other proposals were also originally made in polymer and are being adapted to traditional materials.
well, i'm quite worn out and i have a full day tomorrow! please come by if you can, i'm at booth 303, in the school parking lot with the other new artists.
57th street art fair (gee, no link to my website from theirs!)